Spring Shakespeare Season (VIC)

Spring Shakespeare Season (VIC)

Spring Shakespeare Season (VIC) With spring well underway and even Melbourne starting to get a taste of sunlight, it brings with in a sheer number of shows that I’m genuinely in awe of. September is particularly packed, with this year’s massive Melbourne...
Macbeth + Macdeath | Journal 2

Macbeth + Macdeath | Journal 2

Macbeth + Macdeath | Journal 2 With little over a month before the season starts, Macbeth + Macdeath is really coming to life, with the last few weeks of rehearsals rapidly evolving from conceptual to the foundations of an immersive, haunting production. Early...
Macbeth + Macdeath | Journal 1

Macbeth + Macdeath | Journal 1

Macbeth + Macdeath | Journal 1 I‘m excited to be chronicling Union House Theatre’s Macbeth over the next few months as they progress through rehearsals before taking to the stage in early September. Directed by Petra Kalive, it is planned to be performed...
Winter Shakespeare Season (VIC)

Winter Shakespeare Season (VIC)

Winter Shakespeare Season (VIC) “Now is the winter of our discontent” While the other side of Shakespeare’s birth/death day and sinking temperatures lead to slightly fewer shows, this coming months still offers a host evenings curled up at a theatre, cinema or even...
Autumn Shakespeare Season (VIC)

Autumn Shakespeare Season (VIC)

Autumn Shakespeare Season (VIC) When my creative project on Shakespeare last year spiraled into a love of the bard’s work, my first response was frustration, assuming that the only place to be able to frequently see the plays was thousands of kilometers away in the...

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