About Shakespeare Oz | Oliver Ross

Designer | Technician | Producer | Wordplayer

Fittingly as my love of Shakespeare started as a Coriolanus school project that spiraled out my control, a university blogging assessment pushed me out of my natural procrastination to start this blog. Following my first creative task in VCE, I found that with my love of puns and drastic recontexulations I was right in my element with Shakespeare and was embraced by its thriving international community online. And a great adapter has spawned centuries of great adaptations.

Australia has a long history surrounding its unique and thriving Shakespeare scene, but it’s spread across such a range of companies and locations that they can be easy to pass by. As someone who spends too much googling upcoming productions, I wanted to share my findings and thoughts on Shakespeare across the country.

I’m based in Melbourne so due to the limitations of travel time am more likely to review shows near the city. However, I’m eager to branch out; if you’ve seen a production I haven’t I’d be thrilled to hear your own thoughts!

I try to understand both sides of the stage, finishing a Bachelor of Arts (English/Theatre) from the University of Melbourne, and working as a designer, technician and producer for stage and screen. 

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