The Tragedy of Coriolanus | Burning House

The Tragedy of Coriolanus | Burning House

While the growing popularity of the downfall of Coriolanus having some unsettling implications of the current social climate, it allows for a thrilling, complex and terrifyingly contemporary tragedy to finally see the light of day. While the play is infamously...
Winter Shakespeare Season (VIC)

Winter Shakespeare Season (VIC)

Winter Shakespeare Season (VIC) “Now is the winter of our discontent” While the other side of Shakespeare’s birth/death day and sinking temperatures lead to slightly fewer shows, this coming months still offers a host evenings curled up at a theatre, cinema or even...
Shakespeare Live! | RSC

Shakespeare Live! | RSC

Shakespeare Live! | RSC With a fantastic range of inspiration, including ballet, classical music, hip hop, Broadway, and of course the plays themselves, the Shakespeare Live! tribute show provides something for everyone and joyously celebrates how 400 years after his...
Macbeth | Twelve Angry

Macbeth | Twelve Angry

Macbeth | Twelve Angry From the first time I heard the idea of making Lady Macbeth one of the weird sisters, I’ve desperately wanted to see it played out but was unsure of how it was to be staged. Twelve Angry’s clever, visceral and chillingly human production takes...
Henry IV Part 1 | MUSC

Henry IV Part 1 | MUSC

Henry IV Part 1 | MUSC It may just be my newness to Australian Shakespeare, but it seems that the histories are staged far less than comedies or tragedies, whether it be due to a different cultural surrounding the strict social hierarchy, a weaker connection to the...

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