Autumn Shakespeare Season (VIC)

When my creative project on Shakespeare last year spiraled into a love of the bard’s work, my first response was frustration, assuming that the only place to be able to frequently see the plays was thousands of kilometers away in the UK. I was thrilled to be corrected, finding the thriving Shakespeare scene of both Australian productions and screenings from around the world, particularly during the 400th anniversary of his death tomorrow and the following months.

After spending the last few months hopping between theatres and art-house cinemas to get to every Shakespeare event I could find, I realised there might be other fans and potential fans interested as well! Given the sheer amount of content I’ll be divided it into seasons and after reviewing the shows I’m booked into I’ll do a second update of what’s on in winter.

Without further ado, here’s what Shakespeare has to offer in the next couple of months!



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